Former Royal Aide Goes on ‘60 Minutes Australia,’ Dishes About Prince Harry and Prince William’s Feud….See More

Great news for everyone craving royal drama: a former staffer just went on 60 Minutes Australia and dished.
You might remember Jason Knauf as the former chief executive of Prince William and Kate Middleton’s Royal Foundation and the former communications secretary to Meghan Markle and Prince William—who made a bullying complaint against Meghan, which she strongly denied. Anyway, Jason opened up about an array of topics during his appearance on 60 Minutes, including, ahem, William and Harry’s long-standing drama.
It’s very difficult to have this stuff play out in the public eye, but [Willam’s] chosen to keep his thoughts on it private, and I think all of us who know him really have to respect that we should do the same,” Jason said, per the BBC. “But I will say, of course, it’s been hard and sad, especially for all of us who know both of them. I worked really closely with the two of them and we had lots of great times.”
As for the status of Prince William and Prince Harry’s feud these days, things are…not great. Back in 2024, the Sunday Times reported that the brothers haven’t properly spoken since Queen Elizabeth’s funeral in 2022. “I always said the brothers would be there for each other at the end of the day, and that’s been proven wrong so far,” one source told the Times, while another added that ultimately, “Harry simply cannot do without his brother.”
On top of that, William’s friends said he doesn’t want Harry at his eventual coronation (!!!!), and one person noted that “they are estranged, which is dreadfully sad.”