A prominent filmmaker and good friend of Meghan Markle has been hit with devastating news after a fatal plane crash. Steve Mensch, the president and manager...
In a dazzling homage to their late aunt, Princess Diana, Lady Amelia and Lady Eliza Spencer graced the red carpet at the 2024 British Fashion Awards,...
Prince Harry, 40, has once again ignited controversy, this time by allegedly casting his sister-in-law, Catherine, Princess of Wales, 42, in an unflattering light. Royal experts...
Tyler Perry recently spoke about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle during an interview with The Sunday Times. Meghan Markle’s friend Tyler Perry gave a tense response...
Prince William volunteered at The Passage charity this Christmas Prince William has once again shown his dedication to supporting those in need this Christmas. The Prince...
A fresh chapter is unfolding for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as the duo embark on distinct professional paths — a move royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams...
Merry Christmas from the royal family to yours On Saturday, King Charles and Queen Camilla released their annual 2024 Christmas card. In the snapshot—which was taken...
Prince William has received high praise from US President-elect Donald Trump during a meeting in Paris. The pair met at the British ambassador’s residence following the...
The private island where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle once stayed during their first royal tour is now up for sale. The beautiful Kaibu Island in...
As the build-up to Christmas begins, one thing many parents look forward to is seeing their little darlings in their school nativity plays. For the parents...