Breaking News: Princess Tatiana Speaks Out for the First Time Since Her Ex’s Wedding, Less Than a Year After Their Divorce…..See More

Tatiana gave followers a peek with what she’s been up to behind the scenes
Princess Tatiana of Greece is hopping online for the first time since her ex-husband Prince Nikolaos tied the knot less than a year after their own divorce.
On Feb. 12, Princess Tatiana (née Blatnik) updated followers on how she’s been feeling with a heartfelt post on Instagram. It was the first post from Tatiana, 44, following Prince Nikolaos’ Feb. 7 wedding to Chrysí Vardinogianni, which was announced a little more than a week before the big day.
“I can’t start this post without saying thank you to this incredible community. To everyone who has made me feel at home, strong, and supported — YOU. My heart is full of gratitude,” she began the message.
The post opened with a glam black and white photo showing Tatiana smiling and rolled to show personal pictures including her unboxing a package, hitting the gym, working at a laptop and smiling in the sunshine.
When people ask if I will continue to live in Greece, my answer has never been more of a YES. Because of you. Thank you for opening your doors, your hearts & your homes. Your kindness and support means everything,” she continued. Tatiana, a mental health advocate and founder of the nonprofit Breathe Hellas, was born in Venezuela and made Athens her home after marrying Prince Nikolaos, 55, in 2010.
The past few weeks have been an adventure—full of change, growth and exciting new opportunities,” she wrote. Tatiana said that she moved homes and her Breathe nonprofit officially partnered with the Kevin Love Fund, founded by Miami Heat NBA player Kevin Love, to bring “social and emotional learning tools to Greece.” Tatiana added that she was expanding her reach in the health and hospitality space through a new team with a goal of building “healthier, more connected communities.”
Because if there’s one thing I’ve realized, it’s that no matter how much green juice you drink, without community, there is no true health,” she wrote. “So, thank you all for keeping me healthy. My heart is full.”