Breaking News: MP presents King Charles medals for community leadership…..Read More

We are blessed to have such passionate individuals doing amazing work …’
Several members of the community were presented with King Charles III Coronation Medals for their ‘significant contribution to Canada or a province/ territory, region or community in Canada.’
The list of recipients included:
Kenn Norman
Jonathan Walford
Heather MacKneson
Doug Wilson
Stephen Jackson
Kim Wilhelm
Carl Zehr
Robert (Bob) Harris
Jessica Bondy
David John Daly
Rev. Edward MacIntosh
Fraser William McConkey
William (Bill) Kalbhenn
Linda Inglis
Paul Langan
Nabeel A. Rana
Richard Laurence Jackson
Dr. Ron Schlegel
“It was my honour to be able to recognize many great community leaders with the King Charles III Coronation Medals. We are blessed to have such passionate individuals doing amazing work in our community and beyond,” said Valerie Bradford, Member of Parliament for Kitchener South-Hespeler.
The awards were presented on Jan. 22 in Hespeler.