Breaking News: Kamala Harris Gets Slammed By Her Harshest Critic….See More

Yikes. This might be the reason why we haven’t seen her in such a long time. Former Vice President Kamala Harris just got slammed by one of her harshest critics. Keep reading below for everything you need to know.
According to the latest reports, pundit James Carville takes Kamala Harris to the woodshed by calling her a ‘7th string quarterback’ that couldn’t put together a sentence.
During an interview with PBS, Bill Clinton’s former aide put it this way, “We ran a presidential election, if we were playing a superbowl, we started our 7th string quarterback. You can’t address a problem unless you’re honest about it.”
He continued, “I didn’t know they had people like that, that can actually complete a sentence, that actually know how to frame a message, actually have a sense of accomplishment of doing something.”
It goes without saying that many fans and critics on both sides of the aisle certainly did have a lot to say about the matter.
Some even commented with, “Carville has 20/20 hindsight. He was all in for Kamala at the time. He mocked her before she was the candidate, and then switch to she is fantastic, and now he is back to she wasn’t so good.”
Carville is like the weather forecasting rock: if it is wet it is raining, if white it is snowing, if dry it is sunny.”
Another critic wrote, “I could tell Carville was 100 percent against Kamala from Day 1. Alot of Democrats were against her being the nominee. But no one had the balls to go on TV and say it then because they wanted to defeat Trump.”
And then there was this comment as well: “Mocked her initially; then spoke well of her; now puts her down. Here is the reason, a dirty little secret: she was a terrible candidate who ran a very good campaign. She did as well as she could, given that she was Kamala Harris.”