Breaking: Kelly Ripa breaks down on Live after Mark Consuelos reveals death of beloved dog Chewie: ‘She grew up with our kids….See More

Ripa spoke through tears as she remembered the couple’s 17-year-old, who died Tuesday.
Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos had an emotional start to their latest Live episode after the couple announced the death of their beloved 17-year-old dog, Chewie.
Consuelos began Wednesday’s episode on a somber note, telling the audience that the couple endured a “rough day” over the last 24 hours, as they “had to say goodbye to Chewie” after previously revealing in recent weeks that the family pet’s health had severely declined.
Chewie had stopped eating for a couple days and had been eating less and less for the past few weeks. She was extremely dehydrated and had some neurological stuff going on. You think, okay, I’m doing the right thing. This isn’t going to be easy, but it’s probably one of the toughest things we’ve had to do as a married couple,” Consuelos said. “Thank God we haven’t had any tragedy befall us like that, but she was just a great part of our life.”
Ripa remained mostly silent as Consuelos spoke, and broke down in tears after Consuelos recalled the way his wife “adopted [Chewie] on this show” many years ago, and cherished the fact that Chewie “grew up with our kids” in the process.
I’m really sorry. I thought I got it all out, guys. I really thought I got it all out, and I apologize because I did not. This is not how I wanted this to go down. God, she gave us so much,” Ripa said when she finally spoke to the audience. “We’re filled with gratitude for this dog. I apologize, I’m so sorry. She gave us so much. As each one of our kids left for college and then moved out on their own, Chewie remained right there like our steadfast companion.”
Ripa expressed thanks that the couple hasn’t had “tremendous loss” in their lives up to this point, and said she felt guilty crying when “there are much bigger problems in the world,” but went on to say that Chewie “was so special and she was such a good girl.”
Ripa laughed when she called Chewie’s farewell procession at the pair’s New York City home “dare I say, presidential” in that everyone from friends to the mail carrier “came to say goodbye to Chewie” before she died.
She was very much like a cat, you know, in a lot of ways. She pet you when she wanted affection,” Ripa said, before crying once again as she revealed her final moments with Chewie. “She never let us kiss her face. She was very precious about her face. She was not that dog. And, after she passed away last night, I kissed her a thousand times on the face, I kissed her nose. I’d never kissed her nose before. And I know that she was like, somewhere in dog heaven, pissed! But, I didn’t care because it was just so nice to have that.”
Consuelos then continued on with the rest of the show, telling his wife and the crew: “We’re going to get through it all together.”
Earlier this year, Ripa told the Live audience that Chewie slipped and fell after having an accident in the couple’s home, and lamented that the pet was “slowing down” at the end of her life, months before her 18th birthday in May. In addition to Chewie, the family also has another dog, 4-year-old Lena, whom the pair also regularly discuss on their talk show.