Ever Noticed Queen Elizabeth Applying a Lipstick? Turns Out, It Was a Secret Signal……See More

Queen Elizabeth II, who always wore minimal make-up, never stepped out without a lipstick; and the reason why had to do with more than just appearance. Known for her strong sense of duty, sharp dressing, and poised demeanor, the Queen relied on her lipsticks to convey a ‘secret’ message to her aids. If caught applying her favorite lipstick, her staff understood it to be a discreet signal that she was ready to leave an event. This simple but effective move allowed her to exit gracefully without upsetting anyone.
According to reports, the Queen would fiddle with a range of items—her handbag, mirror, mints, glasses, or a handkerchief to communicate discreet messages. The revelation was made by royal footman, Ian Scott Hunter, who informed the UK Sun of the Queen’s clever habit of absconding an event. As such, aides had their eyes glued on the Queen. Speaking to the publication, Hunter elaborated, “I believe there’s etiquette that ladies do not make their faces up in public. But, she had her bag over the side, and she would take her lipstick out and put it on with no mirror or anything, and thatwas a signal to the ladies that she was ready to leave.
They would gather their bits and bobs together, and when Her Majesty stood up, they were ready and prepared,” explained Hunter. According to Hello! magazine, Sally Bedell Smith, author of Elizabeth the Queen: The Woman Behind the Throne, also revealed, “At the end of a luncheon or a dinner, even a banquet set with silver gilt and antique porcelain, she has the somewhat outré habit of opening her bag, pulling out a compact, and reapplying her lipstick.”
As for her favorite shades, they were nude, peach, ruby red, and soft matte pink. For her highly televised coronation, she went for a deep ruby red lipstick. Her favorite brand, Elizabeth Arden’s, held a royal warrant for over 50 years in partnership with the Queen’s senior dresser. Her penchant for minimal makeup, including light lipstick and a pop of blush, made her a chic fashion icon.
Apart from the lipstick, the Queen was also known to shift her handbag from one arm to the other. If that didn’t do the trick, she would subtly rotate her wedding ring on her finger as a second signal. Another one of her tactics included placing her handbag on the floor, a subtle cue to summon her staff when she needed a quick escape. In more urgent situations at the Buckingham Palace, she would reportedly press a hidden buzzer to subtly tell her staff to nudge guests out of the room.